⚙️How VAULT works

The mechanism behind V2 fee collection

The token locker contract normalizes/unifies the interface of a liquidity locker for Uniswap AMM V2. What sets it apart is that allows owners to continuously collect their positions' fees without compromising the security and properties of the lock.

How fee collection works:

For Uniswap v2 AMMs it is a bit involved because although the AMM does accrue 0.3% fee for the user, it does not allow them to easily continuously collect this fee.

One way the user could collect their fee is to remove all liquidity. This will give them back the principal + the fees but would be worrisome to holders as they would have to trust the owner of liquidity will re-add liquidity to the project.

VAULT's token locker solution :

One solution is for the owner to remove all liquidity and then re-adds the non fee portion all within one transaction to guarantee that the liquidity remains locked. However, the way Uniswap V2 handles initial liquidity provision by minting MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY amount of liquidity to the dead wallet (a useless feature in practicality), creates reserve ratio mismatch issues when adding the liquidity again.

Our locker solves this problem by taking into account the following mathematical invariants:

1. (removed0 - fee0) * (removed1 - fee1) = snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1 [constant product invariant]
2. removed1 / removed0 = (removed1 - fee1) / (removed0 - fee0) [same price invariant]


removed0 = snapshot.liquidity * balance0 / totalLiquidity
removed1 = snapshot.liquidity * balance1 / totalLiquidity

removed1 * (removed0 - fee0) = removed0 * (removed1 - fee1)
removed1 * removed0 - removed1 * fee0 = removed0 * removed1 - removed0 * fee1
-removed1 * fee0 = - removed0 * fee1
    removed1 * fee0 = removed0 * fee1
    fee1 = removed1 * fee0 / removed0
And by expanding invariant 1 and then substituting fee1 from invariant 2 to have like terms we get:

    (removed0 - f0) * (removed1 - [removed1 * f0 / removed0]) = snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1
    removed0 * removed1 - (removed0 * removed1 * f0 / removed0) - f0 * removed1 + f0 * removed1 * f0 / removed0 = snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1

    removed0 * removed1 - 2 * removed1 * f0 + removed1 * f0 ** 2 / removed0 = snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1

    (removed1 / removed0) * f0 ** 2 - 2 * removed1 * f0 + (removed0 * removed1 - snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1) = 0

    This has the form of a quadratic equation and therefore we use the quadratic equation to solve for f0

    f0 = (-b +- sqrt(b ** 2 - 4ac)) / 2a


    a = (removed1 / removed0)
    b = - 2 * removed1
    c = (removed0 * removed1 - snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1)

    substituting we get

    f0 = (2 * removed1 +- sqrt(4 * (removed1 ** 2) - 4 * (removed1 / removed0) * (removed0 * removed1 - snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1))) / 2 * (removed1 / removed0)

    f0 = removed0 +- (removed0 / removed1) * sqrt(removed1 ** 2 - (removed1 / removed0) * (removed0 * removed1 - snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1))

    f0 = removed0 +- (removed0 / removed1) * sqrt((removed1 / removed0) * snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1)

    f0 = removed0 +- sqrt((removed0 / removed1) * snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1)

    we can eliminate the root which makes f0 > removed0 since it would not make sense to take a fee greater than what was removed and we have

    f0 = removed0 - sqrt((removed0 / removed1) * snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1)

    There is however another way to describe f0,

    f0 = (x / TOTAL_LIQUIDITY) * balance0

    where x the amount of liquidity that represents the share of just the fee part. This is exactly the number we want to use to continiously collect an LP owners fees without having to remove all of the positions liquidity.

    solving for x we get,

    x = (TOTAL_LIQUIDITY / balance0) * f0

    substituting f0

    x = (TOTAL_LIQUIDITY * removed0 / balance0) - (TOTAL_LIQUIDITY / balance0) * sqrt((removed0 / removed1) * snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1)

    if we restructure the first term and bring balance0 into the sqrt we get the following:

    x = snapshot.liquidity - TOTAL_LIQUIDITY * sqrt(snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1) / sqrt(balance0 * balance1)

    x = snapshot.liquidity - sqrt(snapshot.amountIn0 * snapshot.amountIn1)

    since snapshot.liquidity = (removed0 / balance0) * TOTAL_LIQUIDITY

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