🔓Locking LP with VAULT

Turn your locked LP into a revenue steam

VAULT provides the only V2 LP lock solution that allows the user to collect fees.

Here is a step by step guide on how to lock your existing token.

  1. Go to dapp.vaultpro.io

  2. Connect Wallet to Dapp in "My Vaults" tab or at the end of token creation. Make sure your wallet is on the network that you desire.

  3. Select LAUNCH at the bottom

  1. Select "BRING YOUR OWN" at the top left

  1. Adding your Token or LP tokens:

    1. No LP tokens: If you have not created a liquidity pool (You do not have LP tokens from an AMM like Uniswap) for your token, then copy and paste your token's contract address into the box. Your token name should appear with the supply that your token has. Click the green "select." Then proceed to "AMOUNT."

    2. If you already have LP tokens, copy your and paste your LP token address into the box. And click the green "select." Then proceed to "AMOUNT."

  2. The rest of this tutorial will be based off the case of having provided LP tokens which is the case majority of the time. The difference between the steps is minimal, the only difference is having to create the pair (providing ETH to pair with your Token) to create the LP tokens.

  3. Select the amount of LP tokens you would like to lock.

  1. Choose the duration of the lock. Then select "REVIEW"

  1. Review the information to make sure everything is correct. ***By default, our free tier VAULT Basic is selected which allows you to collect 0.08% of trading volume. If you would like to recover the maximum fees (0.22%) for 0.1 ETH, then select "Enable VAULTPro."

  1. When Satified, click "LAUNCH"

  2. Congrats! You have locked your liquidity with VAULT! Your pair will show up in the wallet section of the VAULT Dapp where you can manage your locked LP.

Last updated